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Non-verbal Communication

Updated: May 22, 2020

Effective communication takes into account both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. A good oral presentation is very important in technical communication. It is a relatively formal kind of talk requiring preparation and some amount of writing. It is purposeful, interactive, formal, and audience-oriented.


Kinesics is the study of the body's physical movements. It is the way our body communicates without words,i.e, through the various movements of its parts.

It is very important to study body language because people react strongly to what they see. Therefore, it plays an important role in business communication.

There are various key points that'll help you in learning and developing good body language. They are :

1. Personal Appearance

Personal Appearance place an important role as it communicates to the audience that how we feel about ourselves and how we want to be viewed. Appearance includes clothes, hair, accessories, cosmetics, etc. The choice of appearance reveals a lot about one's personality and attitude.

The choice must be so planned that it communicates the message effectively to others. To be well cleaned and groomed is of utmost importance.

2. Posture

Posture refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand, sit, or walk. One's posture changes according to the situation. For an oral presentation, it is always better to lower the hands to one side in a natural, relaxed, and resting posture. Standing, sitting, or walking in a relaxed way is a positive posture, which will encourage questions and discussions among the audience.

The way one sits, stands or walks reveals a lot:

i) Slumped Posture: Low Spirits

ii) Erect Posture: High Spirits

iii) Lean Forward: Open and honest

iv) Crossed Arms: Not ready to listen

v) Uncrossed Arms: Willingness to listen

3. Gesture

The movement made by hands, head, or face is known as Gesture. Skillful and appropriate gestures can add to the verbal communication and thus, make it more effective. On the other hand, an awkward gesture can mar the effectiveness of the message.

Gestures are divided into the following types:

i) Enumerative: Depicting Numbers

ii) Empathic: Emphasizers

iii) Descriptive: Depicting Size

iv) Symbolic: Illustrative

v) Locative: Depicting Location

4. Facial Expressions

The face is the most expressive part of the body. A smile stands for friendliness, a frown for discontent, raised eyebrows for disbelief, etc. There can be variety of messages that can be sent using our facial expressions. They can show anxiety, anger, hesitation in just a quick succession.

Facial expressions are difficult to interpret but that doesn't mean that you can simply give up. It is considered one of the basic arts of influencing the other person sitting next to you. The six basic facial expressions are:

i) Happiness

ii) Disgust

iii) Surprise

iv) Fear

v) Anger

vi) Sadness

5. Eye Contact

Eyes are considered as the windows of the soul. It can covey a direct and powerful message in the form of non-verbal communication. Prolonging the eye contact for three to five seconds tells the audience that the presenter is sincere in what he/she says that he/she wants us to pay attention. It is especially important when we start the conversation.


Proxemics is the study of physical space in interpersonal relations,i.e, It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that one feels it necessary to set between themselves and others.

The higher authorities maintain distance from the lower ones to express control and authority.

Edward T. Hall divides space into four distinct zones:

1) Public space

It is the space that characterizes how close we sit or stand to a public figure or public speaker. This zone starts from 12 feet to 25 feet. Here, the degree of detachment is very high.

2) Social space

It is the space that takes place within a radius of 4 feet to 12 feet. In this zone, relationships are more formal and official. When you are talking to your colleague or a customer at work, it creates a social space.

3) Personal space

This space is a bit closer as compared to the above two zones discussed. This zone stretches from 18 inches to 4 feet. This is reserved for talking to close friends or family.

4) Intimate space

This space is for people with whom you are very close to. In this space, you are 1 foot away and you might even be touching the other person.


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