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Barriers to Communication

Updated: May 22, 2020

Now, we'll move on to the mistakes that most of us make which destroy professional aka business communication. We'll now learn how to avoid such communication failures and make our interaction more effective.

Remember: "Communication is effective only if it creates the desired impact on the receiver."

We all know effective communication is the need of the hour as it is the nerve of all business activities in the organization. Even a slight mistake in the communication flow can lead to misunderstandings.

These mistakes are of many types. Until and unless we recognize mistakes, we cannot work on its improvement.

Classification of Barriers

A barrier acts like a strainer in the flow of communication, allowing only a part of the message to filter through; as a result, the desired response isn't achieved. It may create many misunderstandings regarding the topic which may simply destroy the motive of the communication. Irrespective of your position, you should know how these barriers operate and how to minimize their negative impact so that, next time you won't repeat the same mistake.

They are mainly of three types:

1) Intrapersonal

2) Interpersonal

3) Organizational

Let's understand the three barriers in detail:

1) Intrapersonal

Each one of us is unique. No two persons can have the same assumptions and thinking regarding the same topic as our thinking varies. These differences give rise to intrapersonal barriers. They are caused due to:

  • Wrong assumption

Wrong assumptions arises when the speaker or the sender does not have the adequate knowledge of the other's background. This is the main reason for the receiver's misconception. For effective communication, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the listener.

  • Varied Perceptions

Individuals in an organization perceive the same situation in a different way. Let's take the case of disagreement between two individuals. You may be biased to the one who is close to you but this cannot be done in effective communication. The best solution to overcome this barrier is to take a wider, unbiased perspective of the issue.

Remember: "Reality lies beyond what we can perceive"

  • Different backgrounds

Different background refers to the difference in culture, education, language, environment, financial status, etc. Our background plays a significant role in how we interpret a message. At times, something not experienced earlier is difficult to interpret at times.

To enhance communication skills, it is necessary to know the background of the audience. This information can be used to construct a way to deliver a message so that it is easy to understand.

  • Wrong inferences

Inferences can provide more scope to rumors to spread if they are not analyzed properly. When professionals analyze material, solve problems, and plan procedures, it is essential that inferences be supported by facts. To reduce the possibility of wrong inference prediction, it is suggested to use established facts and evidences.

  • Categorial thinking

This type of thinking exists in people who think that they "know it all" about a particular subject, and therefore refuse to accept any other information regarding that topic. This type of thinking can destroy an effective communication.

You should avoid the use of some words like all, everything, everybody, every time and their opposites like none, nothing, nobody, nothing too many times as this reveals one's Categorial thinking.

2) Interpersonal

Interpersonal barriers occur due to the inappropriate transaction of words between two or more people involved in the communication. The reasons of interpersonal barriers are:

  • Limited vocabulary

A good vocabulary is of no use unless the communicator knows how and when to use it correctly. The words used in the communication should be absolutely clear to understand.

Therefore, one should make constant efforts to increase one's vocabulary.

  • Incompatibility of verbal and non-verbal messages

Your verbal and non- verbal messages should be compatible with each other. If you are delivering a delightful message, your facial expressions and your body posture should reflect that you're happy while delivering the messages. On the other hand, if you're delivering a sad message then you cannot laugh and giggle as this might spoil the communication and can also destroy your relationship with the other person.

  • Emotional outburst

When there is some negative rumors regarding the speaker among the audience, it leads to an emotional outburst as the speaker got overwhelmed with emotions.

It is important to avoid such situations by maintaining one's self-control in all kinds of communication. When confused with such negative behavior, it is essential to avoid reacting or sort out the matter in a quiet place if possible.

  • Cultural Variations

This is a common barrier in both interpersonal as well as intrapersonal communication. For an effective communication, one must overcome the communication inadequacy arising due to different languages and cultures. What's the point of communication when the other person don't understand you? So, take care of that.

  • Noise

Noise interferes badly in the transfer of signals. Noise is any unwanted signal that acts as a hindrance in the flow of communication. It can ruin your communication by distracting the receiver from the message and can even irritate him/her.

3) Organizational Barriers

Communication barriers are not only limited to an individual person or two people but exist in an entire organization. Every organization has its own communication techniques and its own communication climate. It is the structure, complexity, and the flow of communication that creates barriers in communication.

This type of barrier arises due to:

  • Large communication chain which results in the greater chances of miscommunication.

  • Fear of superiors

  • Information overload: Decreased efficiency results in manual handling of huge amount of data


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